Abraham Lincoln and his TEAM OF RIVALS Cabinet

As President-Elect Donald Trump prepares to enter office, the individuals he’s nominated to serve in key positions in his administration are being vetted by the United States Senate. With the consent of the Senate, each newly elected president gets to choose the members of their cabinet to implement their policies and vision for the country. […]


1776: The Most Important Christmas in America’s History

What happened on December 25th allows us to celebrate what happened on July 4th

When you think of the year 1776, you probably think of the 4th of July and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. July 4th truly is a important date in American and world history. But a date just a important is December 25, 1776. Had things gone differently that Christmas, we might live in […]


December 7, 1941, World War II, and my Grandfathers

A date that changed the world and my family

75 years ago today December 7th became the date that would live in infamy. On that Sunday morning in 1941, the United States Navy Base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Empire of Japan. 2,403 Americans were killed, pulling American into the world war that was already raging in Europe and Asia.  That war […]

When Thanksgiving Became an Official American Holiday

When we think of the story of Thanksgiving, our minds often recall what we learned at school about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians in Plymouth celebrating a feast of thanksgiving. However Thanksgiving didn’t become an American holiday until 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed “the last Thursday of November” as a day of “Thanksgiving […]
