Last month I accepted a challenge from my buddy Brandon Plantz to watch a short film every day. Fortunately it was February so I only needed to watch 28 short movies. One of the shorts I discovered was Black Swell.

I’m going to warn you. This isn’t a cheery film. It’s sad and the subject matter is suicide.
Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t pass a short movie on about such a topic, but this isn’t a normal movie.
The story telling is very good as is the acting. Most importantly Black Swell doesn’t make light of suicide.
In it’s own unique way Black Swell shows that we may all have something going on in our heads that we don’t believe we can discuss with others.
At the same time, we never know when talking with someone might be what they need to prevent such a deed.
If you’re interested, here’s Black Swell written by David Rysdahl and directed by Jake Honig, starring Richard Kind and David Rysdahl.
Be sure to let me know what you thought of Black Swell. I hope it’s not too much for you.
Oh and don’t tell Brandon that I fell five short movies short in our challenge.