Category Archives: History Books
There are so many excellent stories out there that really happened, yet they’re not always told and often forgotten. These the are stories told in a way they can bring historical people and events to life that engage and resonate with us on so many levels.
April 19, 1775 – The First Battle of the American Revolution
242 years ago today American colonists squared off against British soldiers in Lexington and Concord in the battle that would mark the beginning of the Revolutionary War and lead to the 13 colonies independent status as the United States of America. Two years ago I had the honor of visiting these sites in Massachusetts where […]

EASTER SUNDAY: A Story Based on Fact or Fiction?
Over 2 billion people around the globe will tomorrow celebrate the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. While this is not a religious website by any means, the story of Jesus —particularly his death on a Roman crucifix and return to life three days later —is the best known and mass circulated over the last two […]

St. Patrick’s Day and George Washington
We’ve all been taught that Abraham Lincoln initiated the first official national Thanksgiving in America. What I just learned though is that George Washington might be the one responsible for making St. Patrick’s Day a de facto holiday for this country. During the Revolutionary War and the winter of 1779-1780, the Continental Army was encamped in winter […]

AMERICAN GOSPEL: The Story of Religion & Liberty in the United States
A couple years ago I picked up Jon Meacham’s book American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation. It’s an incredible story that covers the history of religion in the United States from colonial times into the early years of the 21st century. At this time of deep division in our […]