
Today is World Poetry Day. I didn’t know it either until Alexa told me this morning. While I’ve never ever fancied myself a poet, I did have something to share that may be a poem. It popped into my head one morning last month and I jotted it down. I titled it Could. Today could […]


She Looked Normal in Her Picture – A Short Story

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Today I’ve got something special to share.  It’s a short story I wrote titled She Looked Normal in Her Picture. It takes online dating, preconceived notions, current events and throws them together into one bizarre first date. I exhaled a breath of happy relief into the night air as I saw Naomi […]


Why We Need Great Stories

Here's a free ebook I'd like to give you

I love stories. In fact it’s probably fair to say that I’m addicted to them, especially the great ones. There’s nothing more powerful, rewarding, or transformative than a great story. Unfortunately, great stories can be quite rare and hard to find. But we desperately need them. Great stories help make us better people, have a […]