Today is World Poetry Day. I didn’t know it either until Alexa told me this morning. While I’ve never ever fancied myself a poet, I did have something to share that may be a poem. It popped into my head one morning last month and I jotted it down. I titled it Could.

Today could be the best day ever.
Today I could wake with the courage to face all of my challenges.
Today the wildest dreams deep in my heart could come true.
Today the love of my life could walk through the door.
Today might be the worst day ever.
Today I might be pulled apart by fear and do nothing.
Today my greatest dreams and desires might be smashed.
Today the love of my life might leave me forever.
All of these things might not happen.
And if I worry about what might not happen,
I’ll never take action on what could happen.
The mights may never arise,
but the coulds won’t ever occur
if I’m stuck worrying about the mights
instead of setting my mind on the coulds.
What do you think of Could?
Any good or should I stick to writing stories?