Well that didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped, but after some unforeseen delays my book Dad Was Right: Ten Life Lessons a Father Taught His Son is finally available in paperback. If you’d like to buy Dad Was Right in paperback, you can get it here at Amazon.

When I first announced the publication of Dad Was Right on May 6th, I said the paperback version would be available within a week. As we both know, that didn’t quite work out.
Amazon kept rejecting the cover and back art of the paperback for reasons I still don’t understand.
First it was kicked back because “the cover lacks bleed.” My designer fixed that and I attempted to publish it again. Amazon said no because “the cover lacks bleed.” We made additional changes and I uploaded the revised artwork. Amazon again rejected it saying “the cover lacks bleed.
At that point I felt like reaching through the monitor of my MacBook and grabbing someone by the throat at Amazon while clenched my other hand into a fist screaming like Axl Rose, “I wanna watch you bleed!”
Fortunately such fantasies passed. I didn’t hurt any innocent Amazon employees or contractors. Nor did I damage the screen of my overpriced laptop. Instead I turned back to my already frustrated cover designer, Tina, and asked if we could give it one more try.
And as no one says, the fourth time was the charm! Dad Was Right is now available in paperback exclusively on Amazon. Ironically, Amazon lists the date I had intended to publish the paperback, May 12th, as the date it was published. Don’t I wish.
Can you help me get the word out about Dad Was Right?
Despite these delays the easy part in this whole process was still the writing and publishing of the book.
Getting people to read it now is the challenge. Fortunately, people have been and the feedback I’ve received is overwhelmingly positive, as you can see from these reviews.
Jayne, Herb, and Nancy ~ I truly do appreciate you giving Dad Was Right a read and am very glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for posting your review.
Now at the risk of ruining the book’s perfect five star review status, the truth is I need more reviews for Dad Was Right.
Reviews are important to the ranking algorithm at Amazon. Reviews help raise the visibility and promote independently published books like this one.
Let me be clear. I’m not seeking fake reviews by anyone who has not read Dad Was Right or only positive reviews.
In fact if you think this book sucks like nothing that has ever sucked before, please let me know that. While it may send me back to counseling for a bit, I really do want to know what you honestly think. And other readers considering purchasing the book will rely on your honest feedback as well.
So if you can, please help me out in one of two ways:
1. If or when you’ve read Dad Was Right, please write a review on Amazon. Not only does it help me out as an author, but your honest feedback helps other potential readers as they make their book purchasing decisions.
2. If you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or Snap, please copy, paste, and send out this message:
If you could do either or both of things, I’d be extremely grateful.
In fact, I’m so grateful I’m going to give you a free book.
It’s a short manifesto titled Why We Need Great Stories. Like I said, it’s short and you can read it in one sitting.
Autographed Copies Also Available
One of the biggest and most pleasant surprises I had after publishing Dad Was Right was the request by two people for autographed copies.
I’m extremely flattered and humbled by these requests, so yes autographed copies of the Dad Was Right paperback are available to anyone who might want one.
All you need to do is email me your request or leave it in the comment sections on my website or my Facebook page. I’ll then follow up with you personally to arrange the purchase and the shipping.
Thank you again for supporting my writing and this new venture. I’ve always been a storyteller and now thanks to you I can say that I am not only a published writer, but a professional author.
And if you like this book, wait till you see what I’ve got coming next!