I’m happy to announce that after several months of research and writing, my next book Cloning Elvis is nearly ready for publication.

This has been one of the funnest and most frustrating projects I’ve ever created.
Fun because I love Elvis as the picture above should demonstrate beyond a shadow of doubt.
It’s frustrating because even as an Elvis fanatic, writing a story starring the most famous entertainer who ever lived is extremely challenging.
Fortunately, I think the story is almost there and I’m ready to bring Elvis back to life.
But I could really use some honest feedback before I release the book.
Specifically, I’m looking for some early readers who can read the manuscript and let me know what they think is working and what’s not.
Here’s the story of Cloning Elvis in a rhinestone studded nutshell.
Music producer Cameron Ogilvie has hatched his biggest money making idea ever — he’s going to clone Elvis Presley.
Obtaining a hair follicle of the late King of Rock n’ Roll, Ogilvie enlists the assistance of ground breaking geneticist Dr. Victoria Hadley to turn his plan into reality.
But there’s a snag. And it’s a big one. Literally.
The hair Ogilvie bought came from Elvis only two months before the singer’s death in 1977.
Instead of having a clone of the slender, leg shaking, pelvis gyrating, rock and roll rebel of the mid-1950’s, Ogilvie has a clone who’s grossly obese, addicted to prescription drugs, and on the verge of a massive heart attack.
Can Ogilvie and Dr. Hadley, convince Elvis to make major lifestyle changes needed to stay alive?
If so, will Elvis be able to avoid the pitfalls of fame and do things differently this time?
And does the world of the early 21st century have a place for Elvis Presley 40 years after his demise?
If you’d like to get an early look at this story and the answers to these questions, please click this link.
As an early reader of Cloning Elvis, I’ll send you the current draft of the manuscript.
It’s only about 40,000 words which is half the length of a typical short novel.
You’ll have about two weeks to read it and send me your feedback so I can incorporate it into the final book that I hope to release by Elvis’ birthday on January 8th.
Here’s the link to submit your interest as an early reader of Cloning Elvis.
I greatly appreciate your support of my writing and this project.
As Elvis would say, thank you. Thank you very much.