You’ve probably noticed I haven’t published anything new on the site in a little more than a month. Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be alarmed about. I was just on a vacation.

And no, nothing really transpired that would be good material for another wacky Griswold Vacation movie. I did however watch both Vacation and European Vacation along with a host of other comedy movies during my time off.
Which is exactly why I went on a long vacation. To take some time off.
I really needed a get away, so I took off to travel to some other parts of the United States. In 24 days I visited 11 states, experienced a lot of history and ate ton of high caloric food.
When I weighed in yesterday I was 12 pounds heavier than when I left. That’s the sign of a good vacation in my book. It’s also the sign that I need to return to the gym ASAP.
There are several reasons why I went on this trip. I needed to get away take a break from work to refresh my mind, lower my stress, and reinvigorate my creativity.
I also had the opportunity to see several significant places in American history, reconnect with friends who no longer live in southern California, and even do some research for the book I’m currently writing.
My travels took me to Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, northern Virginia, and Kitty Hawk. Each place has a unique quality to them and had something special to offer.
As a writer I’m constantly listening to the conversations going on around me, especially when I travel. It helps me have a good ear for dialogue (literally) and to create characters that come directly out of real life.
One of the exchanges I heard while in Nashville I want to share with with you.
I was in the Ryman Auditorium, the Mother Church of Country Music, waiting for a tour. Nearby also waiting for the tour was a family — a grandmother, her son, his wife, and her grandkids.Based on their accents it’s safe to say they are from the southern states and not the west coast like me.
I caught this conversation between the grandma and her son that almost made me laugh out loud, but I had to hold it in so they didn’t think I was eavesdropping. I wasn’t after all, I was researching.
GRANDMA: Well I don’t know what that is?
SON: Why don’t you just Google it?
GRANDMA: I can’t. I didn’t have my Google Machine with me.
I’m pretty sure her Google Machine is an iPhone or one of its smart phone cousins.
Apparently she didn’t have it with her at that time, but when it is in her possession it seems she uses it look things up on Google quite often.
As a writer you can’t invent real dialogue like that. You have to discover it then use it later if there’s an opportunity.
Anyways, I’m back at in the smoggy southland of California and ready to get back to work on my next book which I was researching while on my road.
And if all goes well, I’ll have an announcement about it sometime later this week, so stay tuned!