No, don’t worry. I’m not contemplating gender transition, reassignment, or anything of that nature. That would be a waste a complete waste of my masculinity. What I am doing is making some changes to this website.

Perhaps that’s not accurate. I’m not really changing the site. At least not yet. But I am making some alterations to this site.
Specifically, I’ve decided to change what I share and how often I share it.
If you like my website and the stories I write, then you have noting to be concerned about.
That’s something I’m not changing. I launched this website as a place where I could share the I stories create, and some that I’ve lived, with you. I’m a storyteller and my stories have little value if I don’t have anyone to tell them to.
This site came into being for the sole purpose of having a place where I could connect with people and share those stories. I also created it as a platform to share with you other great stories I already love or that I discover.
And that’s where the dilemma I’m resolving arose.
While it should seem complimentary to have a website where I can share the stories I tell and the ones others have told, it’s not. In fact, one of those objectives is hurting the other.
The more time and energy I spend writing posts here about movies, books, TV shows, and the other types of stories I enjoy, the less time and energy I spend writing my own stories.
First, both activities take time. Time I spend writing a new post (yes even this one) is time I can’t spend writing my next original work.
On days I don’t want to plant my butt to the chair and fill a blank screen with new words for a new story, I mentally justify not doing creative writing by writing an article for the website (I’m doing that right now as I didn’t get in my creative writing today).
Secondly, I only have so much creative energy to sit down and write something original. My average spurt of words these days is a little more than 1,600 before I’m spent. That number doesn’t count the blog posts, emails, and other writing I do in my day job.
To top it off, I’m working on increasing my creative writing word count to 2,000 words each day. If I’m going to make that happen, then I need to transfer my writing energy from something else to my morning creative writing time.
Now that I’ve given you the why I’m making a change, you probably want to know what’s going to change.
That’s simple. I’m no longer going to write regular posts recommending books, movies, and whatever else I’m giddy about to you. That doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. I’ll still tell personal stories about my favorite movies and such. That won’t however be a mainstay of my blog.
I didn’t create this site to be a place of movie, TV, and book reviews. There’s more than enough out there. I created it to share my stories with you.
That’s what my focus here is going to be sharing with you my original stories.
As has been the case sometimes those stories will be completely original, totally true, inspired by real events, historical in nature, or simply something I’ve discovered or observed.
I’m a storyteller and my purpose is to tell you the best stories I possibly can.
That’s why I created this website. It’s also why I’m now making this change.
Instead of publishing new articles twice a week, I’m going to shift to sharing once per week.
What I share may very week to week. I’m not 100% sure what to expect. All I know is I want my writing to be original and authentic.
I’m not writing to be average. I’m writing to be the best storyteller I can be. That means I need to write more in my pursuit of mastering the craft.
I may not always hit the mark with each story. Falling short is a part of every learning process. When you find one of my stories lacking or cliche, I expect to hear from you about it. That feedback is essential for my improvement as a writer.
I not only want to be the best storyteller I can be. I want to be the one you trust the most.
How does that sound to you?