Wow. We’re only one day away from the release of The Class of ’87.
As I’ve written before, The Class of ’87 is currently on sale for a reduced price of only 99 cents during this pre-order time period at this link:

From its inception some 15 years ago, through various iterations of a screenplay, and now as a book I can honestly say that I’ve never lost my passion for this project.
Maybe it was the fun times that Robert Slawsby and I had coming up with the characters and writing their juvenile misadventures.
Maybe it was my fondness for the 1980s and being able to enjoy the nostalgia of that decade once again — especially as 80s tunes played in the background on Pandora as we wrote.
Or maybe it was laughing at myself as I relived some of the more jackass things I did as a teenager that today make me shake my head and ask, “What the hell was I thinking?”
I believe all three are true for both Robert and me as you’ll see in this third and final part of the Behind The Story video series for The Class of ’87.
It’s appropriately titled, Names Have Been Changed To Protect Some Delinquents.
With that we are less than 24 hours away from The Class of ’87 being let out of its cage and released into the wild.
You can still pre-order the digital version of the book for only 99 cents for Kindle, Apples Books, Nook, and Kobo by tapping this link.
If you buy The Class of ’87 now, it will automatically upload to your ereader upon its release, so you’ll be able to read it tomorrow when you should be working but instead want to take a trip back to the 80s.
Tomorrow we’ll also be releasing the paperback version exclusively on Amazon. It too will be discounted for a short period of time.
So I guess, that is that for now.
Thank you for your support of me and my stories. Robert and I are looking forward to hearing what you think of The Class of ’87.
Also, if you missed either previous installment of our Behind The Scenes video series, you can watch them at these links: Part 1: Meet The Writers or Part 2: Meet the Class of ’87