I could really use your help with something. Don’t worry. it won’t take long.

First off, things are going pretty good with Cloning Elvis right now.
I’m wrapping up the third draft and after a few tweaks and a polish, it should be ready to go out to my early readers for their feedback.
Then it’s off to be prepared for publication and all that behind the scenes stuff I doubt you care about.
However, before I can do any of that, there’s a gap in the story that needs to be filled.
That’s where you come in.
With Elvis being cloned and coming back to life, naturally he’s going go sing.
If he didn’t what would be the point of cloning Elvis? Hopefully not to cast him in a movie.
But what songs is he going to sing in 2017?
Obviously, he’s going to perform a good deal of the songs we all associate with his career.
Yet Elvis was always recording new songs, usually covers of songs that had already been out.
There’s an immense number of songs that have been written and produced since his untimely death in 1977.
I’m positive that if the King was indeed cloned and back with us today, one of the first things he’d do is catch up on the music he’d missed.
He’d also be recording the songs he liked best for his own albums — which would undoubtedly go Double Platinum overnight.
What songs do you think he’d be singing?
There’s three songs I plan to include in Cloning Elvis:
Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
This would be fitting for Elvis to record as the clone would be in a world where his father, grandfather, and aunt have since passed on.
So have many members of his inner circle like Joe Espositio and Charlie Hodge who were also in the Army in Germany with him.
I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe
Elvis loved gospel music. That’s what he grew up singing and they remained a part of his entire life.
I definitely think Elvis would record a cover to this song. He’d have a hit on his hands too.
Sweet Child ‘O Mine by Guns N’ Roses
Okay, this is a bit self indulgent as I’m a huge Guns N’ Roses fan. But can’t you see Elvis doing it?
He may not care for the vocal stylings of Axl Rose’s, but other than that the King knew a hit when he heard it.
What else would Elvis sing?
I could really use your help on this.
What song that’s come out in the last 40 years would you like to see Elvis singing in Cloning Elvis?
What tune from the 80’s, 90’s or the beginning of this century would he be recording?
Please let me know by filling out the form below.
I really do appreciate you helping me out with this.
As Elvis would say, thank you. Thank you very much.